Thursday, Sweaty Day

Before I start, I would like to post something like what they have in this blog called Why? Cos this car was blocking my big ass van during lunch time! Unfortunately, I didn't take any shot before I got my car out. This person left me just a small space to get the car out. Fortunately, I have my friend along as the traffic dude. I was pissed off and left the person a note on the windshield...

Anyway, I just realised that I haven't posted any pictures showing any of my classes in UBD so here goes... One of my classes... Yes, my class is a gym =) and these were taken during our short break.
With some of my classmates and my lecturer. The others were either shy or outside playing badminton... I think this is our first group picture.. =)

Crazy shot...? That's a first as well... Hehe...

Ok, after that class, I had another lecture from 2 til 4pm then I'm off for a swim in Bandar. Not a class... It was just for fun since puasa is coming up soon anyway. So yea... I'm not in the picture but the one with the buoy is Farah, Remy with the goggles and Ka Wana swimming at the back... It was ages since I last swam. I'm gonna have muscle ache tomorrow... =)


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